Imports of screws without heads originating in PRC made subject to registration

06/02/2025 - Imports of screws without heads originating in PR China made subject to registration (AD718)

Dear customer,

As you may have already heard, all imports of screws without a head from the People's Republic of China must now be registered by the national customs authorities - AD718. This registration is for steel or iron articles. Stainless steel is not impacted.

The EU export regulation has been published on this, it provides for the registration of imports and resulting anti-dumping duties that could potentially be retroactive from 31 January 2025. The rates will presumably be sensitively higher than the already active anti-dumping rates. We are mainly talking about the following items:

  • Threaded rods
  • Chemical anchor stud
  • Hangerbolts
  • Spacer screws

We will communicate new prices for impacted items in the near future.

You can find the Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2025/141 of 29 January 2025 HERE in English and other languages.

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