Nylon Dübel lange Spreizzone Ø12x120


pgb-Artikelnummer SM0PRPN001201203
EAN-Code 5902134198149
Inhalt Verpackung 50
Marke Smart
Werkstoff Nylon PA6
Typ Type PRP
d - Durchmesser 12
l - Länge 120
d0 - Bohrdurchmesser 12
h1 - Bohrlochtiefe 80
tfix - Befestigungsdicke 50
hef - Effektive Verankerungstiefe 70
ds - Schraubendurchmesser 7,5
ls - Schraubenlänge 130
The SMART nylon construction plugs come with various screw combinations. Thanks to the long expansion zone of the plug, it can be used in solid building materials as well as hollow materials such as bricks and less pressure-resistant materials like aerated concrete. For attaching wooden structures, it is recommended to use screws with a countersunk head, for metal structures, a plug with a cylindrical collar and a hexagon head with a pressed ring.